#2 Bus tour ①
On saturday, I went to historic building in Niigata city by using bus. I am taking a course on local autonomy in Niigata prefecture.(新潟県の地方自治)This class is contained bus tour! So I think it is interesting, I majored it!! I have visited many places, so I would like to introduce some excerpts. At first, I am talking about "KyuuNiigatazeikanntyosya" (旧新潟税関庁舎). Niigata port was opened in 1869. After that, this facility was opened in order to trading smoothly. In addirion, There is "Daishi bank"(第四銀行)near the Zeikan(税関). "Daishi bank" is established by the country. Niigata Zeikan The building of Daishi bank Second, I am talking about "KyuuSaitoukebettei"(旧斎藤家別邸). This is established by "Saito Kizyuro"(斎藤喜十郎)He is wealthy merchants and politician. He was very rich, so he can established the villa. This villa is very beautiful!!! We can see beautiful Japanese garden! When the autumn leaves are beautiful, this girden is right-up at Night!!!!...